Saturday, November 14, 2009


This article really opened my eyes and informed me about how and why search engines function the way they do. The PDF article gave a great breakdown on how to successfully optimize your website in a search engine. Clearly it is an art form. You have to find clear, simple, yet effective words that will bump your site up the search engine line.
In a blog I found while searching about SEO's, I learned through a blog post by a member of the website blog that said, "Believe it or not, Google employs a team dedicated to searching for webspam. They invest lots of time and resources into finding and shutting down effective paid linking opportunities. This is the number one reason why you should never participate in paid links. Once Google finds you, you are done!" This is something that was discussed in the wikipedia page when I first searched for the definition of SEO. It seems that more and more, people are trying to get their way in the ranking by doing anything. They call this black hat and white hat techniques.

As far as for promoting my website, I would definitely take advantage of social networking since one of the top worldwide websites is Facebook and YouTube. This I learned in my advertising class where we discussed the current boom of social networking tied in to websites and promoting campaigns with banners. In this time and age, websites depend on advertising themselves in these networking sites because this is where people go to first, especially with all the features and accessible links that are now integrated to the web page. Metadata, also called social bookmarking is a way of simplifying the access to my website and will probably increase the traffic per click. I would include these two methods to make my website more accessible to those interested. Also I would take in consideration the recommendations made my the PDF article to improve my search engine optimization.


  1. It definitely does seem like an art form, especially deciding which synonyms and/or common misspellings to include, while at the same time trying to stay clear and brief.

    I wonder what Google's team's method is for tracking down web spams, it seems like such a gigantic job! Also, when I was thinking about methods to increase seo, it seemed like tricking people into visiting your site wouldn't be that useful in the long run. (I know if it was me, I would immediately click out of the site.) Is the benefit, then, just for sites with paid advertisements? ..And the more traffic the site gets, the more they make in ads?
