Monday, November 16, 2009

The importance of SEO

It is very crucial to make sure that your website can be easily accessible by everyone. From what I've been reading and learning about in other classes, if a website wants to generate business, they need to make their page available.

And, in order to do that, they have to make good use of keywords, for one. If their site is about basketball, but a specific kind of basketball (i.e. streetball, AND1) then, on their site, they need to make sure that they have words like basketball and streetball somewhere on their page in order for it to be accessible. Meta-tags are crucial as well. The more meta-tags the page has, the greater chances are that the search engines will recognize it, bringing more hit counts.

But, from one article I read about how people need to be well equipped in SEO before they use social networks to market their businesses. In our case, we have to consider what social networking sites we're going to use for our website. The article says "good content makes your website and the search engines more valuable". That's why the content on your page has to be strong enough to generate a powerful search. "Searches may not be sexy, but they bring traffic" as the article says.

In another blog post, it gives advice on making the most of SEO's. And, it reiterates what the previous article mentioned. It emphasizes the use of good keywords. "By knowing how to select the best keywords, insert them into valuable content, and submit your material appropriately you can maximize your search engine optimization efforts."This is what needs to be in consideration. I've never paid too much attention to search engines. But, since they're going to be an important part of our project, I need to .

For my site, I'm re-inventing For the SEO, I'm going to try and use keywords like "MS Focus Group". I want to use "Multiple Sclerosis" but that's too broad and there are hundreds of sites already that pertain to it. So, decisions, decisions. As far as social networks/media, I want to use Facebook and Twitter. But, understanding how I need to work with SEOs will determine how I'm going to market my page on the web.

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