Sunday, October 25, 2009

New CNN... Hope for my future!

I am actually really excited about the new Wev design. Being a photojournalism major i respect images...and  I've had the constant fear driven into me that photography and established media are deteriorating. We're told that its harder to get a job in the news industry because photography is a dying art. Always optimistic, I like to tell myself that bigger and better things lay down the road for photographers and videographers. CNN's design is a perfect example of this shift. This generation needs immediate gratification. We have minimal patience and want the media to get right to the point. CNN understood this when they refocused their content on visuals, giving page viewers immediate information without having to devote the time to a two-page article.  

Since "far less text driven, with videos and photography as the centrepieces of the home page," CNN will have to invest in skilled photographers rather than relying on stock images or poor quality multimedia pieces. It's a smart move on their part since society IS becoming visually driven and an outcropping of alternative photo-centered news sites are emerging that they are going to need to compete with (like The redesign definitely reflects younger emerging audiences, with videography, a look back to their a TV roots and an emphasis on entertainment. Basically, thank you CNN for making a News site that feels young, not intimidating and visually-driven. It makes me excited for the future. Also.. YES to the customization option on the home page! Just like visual stories, the customization speaks to instant gratification and our developed impatience. 

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